FAQs about ACS Online:

1 – What is ACS?
2 – What is AccessACS?
3 – Is AccessACS secure?
4 – How much information can other members see about me and my family
through AccessACS?
5 – Is my financial information available or displayed through AccessACS?
6 – What makes a good profile picture?
7 – Who do I contact with questions or problems with AccessACS?
1 – What is ACS?
ACS is an online data management system used by the staff here at The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church. It allows the staff access to member records, detailed calendars , event management, and much more.
2 – What is AccessACS?
AccessACS is the way church members can utilize a limited amount of the same information that the church staff uses. Because staff and members are using and maintaining the same information, then all of us can rest assured that information is accurate and up to date.
3 – Is AccessACS secure?
Yes! When you click the graphic on the left, you will be taken from this website to the secure AccessACS website. You will have your own unique login.
4 – How much information can other members see about me and my family?
Only as much as you want to share. Privacy and security are incredibly important to us. You choose how much information is displayed to church members with just a couple of clicks. This includes photos as well.
NOTE: Church staff has unrestricted access to your information at all times. Any privacy settings that you change only affect what the average member can see through AccessACS.
5 – Is my financial information available or displayed?
NO! Not ever! The only things that can be viewed through AccessACS is your contact information, family relationships, member directories, and the church calendar. Financial information is NOT managed with ACS. Only accounting staff has access to that information. Financial information is never available online.
6 – What makes a good profile picture?
Head shots make the best profile photos. From the shoulders up. Eye level. Straight on or a 3/4 view. Modest dress. Think “driver’s license photo” but much more flattering. If you do not have a head shot that you would like to use, then feel free to contact the church office to arrange for you to have your photo taken.
7 – Who do I contact with questions or problems?
If you have any questions or problems feel free to contact Bob McArdle in the church office.